What is a Succulent? Maybe you have heard the mantra; "All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti." Succulents comprise a large number of plant species from around the world that have water holding strategies and capabilities but are not classified as cacti, although some of them can indeed have spines or thorns as a natural protection. Whether they store water in their roots, stems, or leaves, these plants often look dramatic, structurally interesting, durable, and all are uniquely beautiful.
In this collection you will find plants like: Aloes, Yuccas, Euphorbias, Dasylirion, Hesperaloe, Sansevieria, Dracaena, Adenium, Furcraea, Pachypodium, Beaucarnea, Pedilanthus, etc.
If you have any questions about Succulents or any of the plants in our different collection categories, please don't hesitate to ask us via our contact page. In this era of AI generated answers, don't rely on a machine to provide you with important answers about plants. Here at Happy Valley Plants we are gardeners first and dedicated horticulturalists that are happy to email you valuable advice, tips and information. Contact us today!